My missus.. I do love her most of the time.
We went to Pizza hut 'again' last night. She cant get enough of their 'Barbeque Chicken' Pizza.
Its OK for the first slice but its too sweet for me.
On the way to Pizza hut she remarked how much she is looking forward to this 'Barbeque Chicken' Pizza..
I know what i'm having.. A meat Pizza. Anyone will do. i'm not bothered. They all taste the same anyway..
So I think we will have a good turnaround. Get in. Order. Eat. Leave.
But she asks for a menu..
She studies each Pizza and reads outs the ingredients.. Each one she says hmmmm this one sounds nice doesn't it?
The waitress comes over and my missus asks for a few more minutes.
I'm starting to get the hump.
I reminded her that she always has the same pizza.. that she had already mentioned on the way to the restaurant that she was looking forward to the 'Barbeque Chicken' Pizza..
The waitress comes over again and my missus places her order - I will have the 'Barbeque Chicken' Pizza please..
..I nearly threw my Coke into her face.