Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Hangovers whilst getting 'older'

I am young.

Well I am 'just' about still in my 20's and I constitute that as being young..

Perhaps whatever age you are - you think yourself young?

Anyway besides the point. What I am experiencing is that hangovers are getting worse.

I drink same types of alcohol and I believe around the same volume?

But I now have a hangover for around 48hours!!

I remember going to Cyprus when I was 18. We would have a skin full night after night with no let up. We just didn't have hangovers..

I wonder what it could be?

Is it literally as you get older you body absorbs the alcohol and keeps it for longer?

Or is it that I am not dancing about as energetically as I did as a teen? So not sweating it out?

I don't have a kebab before bed anymore - Maybe the food absorbs?

Perhaps I am drinking more or is it better quality /stronger alcohol?

Your suggestions please?

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